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For Business | Health Payment Account

A simple HPA solution for

Offer your employees an interest-free, no-fee option to pay out-of-pocket healthcare costs powered by Paytient, regardless of their health plan.

HPA Solution

A Health Payment Account (HPA) is an employer-sponsored benefit offering an interest-free line of credit that helps employees pay for unexpected healthcare expenses.1

Invest in your team's

When employers prioritize benefits that make employees feel valued, they may see2:

  • Better employee retention
  • Increased productivity
  • More satisfied and engaged employees

Improve access to

HPAs give employees immediate access to funds when they need to pay for care, which can:

  • Reduce barriers to care
  • Give more financial flexibility
  • Increase peace of mind

Download HPA Case Study

See how R.R. Donnelley improved healthcare accessibility with Health Payment Accounts for 13,000+ eligible employees.

Download case study

Employees can easily access HPA funds

HPAs are an easy-to-use solution for both employers and employees.

Set a borrowing limit

You set the borrowing limits and which employee groups are eligible.

Sign up for Paytient

Employees create a Paytient account, instantly activating their virtual Paytient card.3

Tap the Paytient card

Once approved, employees can use their Paytient card to pay for eligible out-of-pocket healthcare expenses for the whole family, even their pets.4

Split healthcare expenses

When it’s time to repay, employees can choose the interest-free payment plan that best fits their budget. Employees have up to 12 months to repay their line of credit through payroll or bank account deduction.

One Partner. Total Solution.

Only HealthEquity delivers the integrated solutions you need to simplify benefits and truly impact people’s lives.

People also ask

Employer HPA

  • How does an HPA work?

    An HPA is an interest-free, no-fee alternative payment option to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses over time without high interest costs. For example, an employee visits an ENT for a sinus infection that won’t go away and has $150 patient responsibility for payment.

    At time of service, members can activate their HPA benefit and elect a payment plan. Employees can then split that charge into 10 monthly payments of $15—or five payments of $30. For each transaction, HPA members pick an interest-free payment plan that fits their budget and is tied to their chosen repayment sources.

  • Who is eligible for an HPA?

    An HPA is a benefit sponsored by employers, so they determine employee eligibility. HPA membership is tied to continued employment. If that employment ends, so does the employees’ continuing enrollment in an HPA as a benefit. But, if money is still owed to the HPA, it needs to be paid back, even if the employee is no longer employed by the sponsoring employer.

  • How does HPA repayment work?

    When an employee establishes an HPA, it’s required to set up a default repayment method such as payroll deduction or personal checking/banking account. Monthly payments are then deducted from the designated repayment method.

  • What if an employee leaves my company and owes a balance?

    The HPA assumes all the risk for the line of credit extended to employees. If an employee leaves, they will no longer be able to make new charges on the HPA, the individuals will be contacted to figure out the best way for them to continue any outstanding payments outside of payroll deduction.

  • Does a member have to fully pay off the HPA balance before starting a new plan to pay for a new expense?

    No, the available amount on the HPA can be used to set up a new, overtime payment plan. For example, a plan has a $1000 limit, and currently has a remaining balance due of $300. An additional $700 is available to begin a new charge repayment plan.

  • Where can my employees use an HPA?

    The sponsoring organization can offer HPAs that can be used for medical, dental, pharmacy, vision, and/or veterinary expenses at both in-network and out-of-network providers.

    The HPA card will not work for other expenses, such as groceries, gas, etc. HPA cards work at most providers that accept Visa if the merchant bills to a covered category (e.g., medical, dental).

    Rarely, a provider might be owned by another company with a different merchant category that isn’t included in the program. In those cases, employees can contact the Paytient customer support team for help.

  • How much does this cost my employees?

    Nothing. Employers pay a simple subscription to make HPAs available to their employees. Members pay back what they spend on their HPA and not a penny more!

  • Can employees adjust their HPAs?

    Account holders may be able to adjust payment plans to fit their budgets better. They can do so by emailing [email protected] for assistance.

  • Can an HPA pay for previous medical bills?

    Yes. An HPA can cover bills still owed to providers if they are not already being collected by a different party. Simply use the HPA Visa card as the payment method, then plan payments with the HPA app.

  • Can an HPA be used for family members/dependents?

    Yes. HPAs cover care costs for employees as well as their loved ones.

COBRA/Direct Bill Employer login

Please refer to your Client Welcome email for the URL of your specific COBRA/Direct Bill Employer login page.